The objective of pre-provisioned adaptation management community is to provide link capacity to client-layer ( s) from a server layer. 预指配适配管理群体的目标是从服务层提供链路容量给客户层。
Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme. 动态链路容量调整。
Link Capacity Optimizing in Optical Satellite Network with Random Traffic 随机业务下卫星光网络链路容量优化设计
The goal is to share the available link capacity fairly among many competitive users to maintain queue length of a bottleneck node at a desired level. 目标是在多个竞争用户间公平分配可用链路带宽、维持瓶颈结点的队列长度在希望值。
GFP, virtual concatenation and link capacity adjustment scheme facilitate SDH to transport data service and voice service. 通用成帧规程、虚级联和链路容量调整机制三项新技术使得SDH设备实现了数据业务和话音业务的综合传输,SDH发展成了多业务传送平台。
To solve the latter problem, fast cell selection ( PCS) can be used to reduce its interference effectively and then improve the link capacity and data throughput in CDMA system whose capacity is mainly restricted by the downlink. 对于后者,在系统容量受下行链路限制的CDMA系统中,采用快速蜂窝选择(FCS)可以有效地减小下行链路干扰,从而提高系统链路容量和数据吞吐量。
Reverse Link Capacity Analysis on Distributed Wireless Communication System 分布式无线通信系统的反向链路容量分析
Computer simulation results using two optimization object methods show that the ANN way can assign the link capacity correctly and is easy to implement and generalize. 文中分别采用呼损率和链路利用率两种优化目标进行计算机模拟,结果表明该方法能正确完成容量分配,并且易于实现和推广。
In this paper we discussed the principle of link capacity adjustment schemes and the dynamic bandwidth distribution process, and analyzed the generation and transfer mode of the sink member status. 文章讨论了链路容量调整方案的原理及带宽动态调整过程,分析了宿端回送成员状态的产生及传送方式。
Optimal Link Capacity Assignment in Distributed Computer Networks 分布式计算机网络中链路容量的最优分配
Research on the Implementation of Lower Order Link Capacity Adjustment Schemes 低阶链路容量调整方案实现研究
Analysis on the Control Principle of Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme 链路容量调整方案的控制原理分析
A classical control method is also introduced to analyze the stability of the system and the transients as well as steady-state behaviors of bottleneck queue with link capacity disturbances. 同时,利用经典控制理论方法分析了系统稳定性和存在链路容量干扰时瓶颈队列的暂态、稳态特性。
This method could improve the WCDMA standard technical defect of symmetric up/ down link capacity to meet the requirement of wireless Internet service. 这种方法可改进WCDMA标准上下行容量基本对称的技术缺陷,使其符合移动因特网的需求。
To scale for the link capacity, the Dynamic Equilibrium Controller ( DEC) algorithm is proposed. 为了使得算法对链路容量也具有可扩展性,在LRED算法的基础上提出了动态平衡控制器的设计。
The paper introduces the achievements of bandwidth measurement techniques in IP networks, including the measurement techniques of link capacity, path capacity, available bandwidth, and the taxon of multiform measurement tools, as well as the further applications researching trends. 本文介绍了IP网带宽测量技术研究与进展,包括链路、路径带宽、可用带宽测量技术,论述了多种开源带宽测量工具,并对带宽测量技术的应用和研究进行了展望。
The key technologies of SDH such as asynchronous mapping, pointer processing, Virtual Concatenation ( Vcat) and Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme ( LCAS) are applied in this system with which the primary block signal E1 and Ethernet data can be accessed through SDH network together. 该系统综合运用了SDH的异步映射、指针处理、虚级联(Vcat)、动态链路容量调整(LCAS)等关键技术,实现了一次群信号E1和以太网数据在SDH上的接入。
At first, we point out that the optimal solution of the model with link capacity constraints satisfy Wardrop's first principle. 本文首先指出了有容量限制分配问题的最优解是满足Wardrop第一准则的。
Urban Transport Network Design Based on Link Capacity Reliability 基于路段能力可靠性的城市交通网络设计
Protection Design for WDM Transport Networks Considering Load Balance of Links and the Constraint of Link Capacity 考虑链路负载均衡和容量限制的WDM光传送网保护设计
The analysis shows that the reverse link capacity greatly increases when used in DWCS. 结果表明,DWCS大大提高了系统的反向链路容量。
Because of the limit of network resource ( link capacity, buffer length of network node) and the uncertain of traffic in networks, it should not be avoided that network congestion occurs, and congestion control becomes one of the key technologies in ATM networks. 由于网络各类资源(信道容量、节点中缓存器容量等)的有限性和网络中各种数据流的不可确定性,不可避免地导致了网络拥塞的产生,使得拥塞控制成为ATM网络亟待解决的关键技术之一。
This paper explores ANN's ( artificial neural network) application in the link capacity control of ATM ( asynchronous transfer mode) and proposes an ANN predictor to solve the problem encountered in ATM network. 研究人工神经网络(ANN)在异步转移模式(ATM)链路容量分配中的应用,设计了神经网络预测器以解决ATM链路容量分配中的困难。
In order to heighten transmission rate and reliability, three resource allocation strategies based on greedy algorithm are proposed for ergodic channel, which enhance the link capacity by effectively assigning resources. 针对各态历经信道,为了获得更高的传输效率和可靠性,提出了三种基于贪婪算法的资源优化分配策略,从而通过对无线资源的合理配置提高了链路的遍历信道容量。
High-speed backbone network set up to increase the link capacity, to some extent alleviated the low-bandwidth bottleneck caused. 通过高速骨干网的架设来增加链路容量,在一定程度上缓解了低带宽所带来的瓶颈问题。
For multi-hop networks, the relation between the number of sensors and the link capacity is analyzed, and the same capacity scaling law as that with the virtual multi-antenna technique is achieved by scheduling the transmission order of different nodes in the MAC layer. 分析了在多跳的通信模式下,网络中的节点个数与链路容量之间的关系,通过在MAC层对节点的发送次序进行调度,获得了与虚多天线技术相同的容量扩展级。
Because of its wide bandwidth WCDMA, anti-fading performance, uplink and downlink to achieve coherent demodulation, a substantial increase link capacity. WCDMA由于自身的带宽较宽,抗衰落性能好,上下行链路实现相干解调,大幅度提高了链路容量。
The main characteristics of Ad Hoc networks are dynamic topology, bandwidth constraints, variable link capacity, energy-constrained nodes, multihop communications, and limited security. 无线adhoc网络具有拓扑结构动态变化、带宽受限、容量可变、节点能量受限、多跳通信及安全性差等特点,为网络协议及关键技术的设计带来了困难和挑战。
Considered the actual implementation of networking can be achieved and the consistent with the existing 802.11s protocol compatibility, the algorithm reduces interference in taking full account of the link load and the link capacity balance. 该算法充分考虑了实际组网实现的可实现性以及与现有802.11s协议的一致兼容性,在考虑降低干扰的同时充分考虑链路负载以及链路容量的平衡。
First, we linearize the interconnection of TCP and a bottlenecked queue and discuss its feedback properties in terms of network parameters such as link capacity, load and round-trip time. 首先线性化了TCP的互联模型以及一个瓶颈链路队列并根据链路容量、网络载荷、往返时间等网络参数讨论了它们的反馈特性。